What is the Life Care Planner’s role in a litigated case and how is a Life Care Plan used in the legal arena?

A Life Care Planner’s role is to educate all parties involved in a case on the nature of the disability, the individual’s current functional limitations, future medical and rehabilitation needs, and the effects of the disability throughout the patient’s life expectancy.  The recommendations provided in the Life Care Plan are objective and based on review of the medical records, interview with the patient and family, collaboration with the individual’s treatment team, current standards of practice, and relevant research.  The Life Care Planner does not serve as an advocate for the injured or disabled individual, but instead clearly communicates to all parties involved what specific needs are recommended for the individual’s disability, why they are recommended, who made the recommendations, costs associated with those needs, and when the services should be provided. Attorneys and juries alike can benefit from gaining a better understanding of the long-term effects of a catastrophic injury and the economic damages that may be incurred.